I share about how we found out about Baby Hearne and my first trimester (:
I took a little hiatus from blogging... I found out end of April I am pregnant! Then May hit which is a crazy month for teachers because it is the end of the year, plus as a 4th grade teacher we have STAAR. On top of that I was incredibly tired my first trimester, so I was napping everyday after work. Then June came around and summer school started. In between that I was researching and reading baby stuff! Then comes July, where I went on a week long cruise with my mom along the Mediterranean coast, planned gender reveal, created my baby registry (more to come on those!). And now it is August, the start of the school year. Even though I am still busy, I am ready to come back!
In the midst of the craziness, I have been enjoying this new stage of life: pregnancy. We found out on April 20th after I got off of work. All week I had been feeling a bit different, but didn’t want it to go to my head that I was pregnant. One day I had come home from work and mentioned to Taylor that I think I might be pregnant and he agreed. It had been a few days since my period was supposed to start, but that didn't tip us off since my periods had been irregular since we started trying for out little baby. What tipped us off was that my breasts were feeling sore, which they never have been that way during my periods. So, I went to the guest bathroom, peed on a stick, sat on the couch and watched TikTok to pass the time (that felt endless). When that timer went off....my heart was pounding. I just KNEW I was pregnant and if there wasn't a "+" on there, I am not sure what I would have done or felt. I looked down at that stick I had look down at many other times and was shocked. "Babe." I half shouted from the bathroom, "we are having a baby." I poked my head around the corner towards the couch to see Taylor's face... however, Taylor is hard to read. I've known him for 10 years and at times, I still am not sure what he is feeling when I look at him haha. So when I saw him sitting on the couch, I think he was in just as much of a shock as I was. Even though we knew it was coming, the reality didn't hit till it was actually real. I tested one more time to make sure...and yes, still positive! The next morning I tested again and then when I got home from work, just to make sure I wasn’t dreaming!! It is such a surreal feeling seeing that positive sign.
The First Trimester
To my understanding, the first trimester is weeks one through thirteen. Weeks one and two, there isn't a little baby in utero yet. Week three is the moment of conception and week four is when baby Hearne became an embryo and we found out we were becoming a mom and a dad! Week four and five my breasts were so sore, but started to become less tender into week six and my queasiness and hunger really started to kick in at week six and seven. However, even though I was so hungry, I also couldn't eat too much and I was hungry two hours later. The only times I ever felt queasy was when I was getting hungry. Once I ate, the queasy feeling faded. My exhaustion hit and I had been napping every day after work, which if you know me, I am not a napper; I was even going to bed early each night. Week eight is when we heard our precious baby's heart beat and got to see our little peanut! This moment was so surreal. I was just so in awe of the ultrasound that I did not retain the information once I heard the baby was great, but she did confirm that my due date is in fact Christmas Eve... Weeks nine and thirteen were weeks of crazy growth! It’s amazing to see all the developments taking place each week. It’s still a surreal moment for me to think I’m actually pregnant, I just felt bleh all the time. I had a lack of energy and upset stomach/constantly hungry stomach for weeks. The last few weeks for I started to get headaches and dizziness. Week 12 was my second doctors appointment. My blood work looked good and the baby’s heart rate was 153 and baby was growing great! Week 13 was my most nauseous week, but luckily I never threw up from my nausea.
I have definitely felt that I've had a pretty "easy" first trimester; I am blessed I was never truly sick (throwing up). I am finishing up my second trimester in the next coming weeks, so I will post on that soon!